S-link SLX-LC150 Notebook Power Universal Adaptör

Ürün Kodu: 6646 Barkod: 8697671431763

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ÖzellikNotebook Power

Product Feature:

*Advanced microcomputer CMOS chip help to control,

displays voltage and switches voltage automatically

*Multi-types of exchangeable connectors use for

laptops and ather digital products.

*Safe and reliable with 15-24V output voltage.

*Input 100-240v worldwide compatible.

*100,000 grade anti-static safety design.

*Installing EMC AND EMI, that""s for absorbing in-burst

current and restraining electro circuit.

Method af utilization:

*Switch on the AC power (Picture A).

*The LED shows 15.0-15.5V (Picture B).

*Choose the connector which you need and put it to the

DC joint (Picture C). Eg.:Connector A.

*Tehe LED will show the relevant voltage (Picture D).

Eg.:of Connector A is 19V-19.5V.

*Insert the joined DC connector to your laptop.

Important notice:

*Due to the influence of fluctuating electric voltage

therre will be +/-0.1V on display.


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